Breast Lift

Women seeking a breast lift may be satisfied with the size of their breasts, but wish to regain youthful height and fullness. Breast lift surgery is intended to raise the height of the breast and to remove excess skin, reshaping the breast to a full and youthful contour. Breast lift surgery can also reduce the size of areolae, which may have become stretched. Sagging breasts can result from pregnancy, breast feeding, weight fluctuations, age, gravity, or simple heredity. A lift is performed to counteract these changes without significantly changing the size of a patient’s breasts. Patients seeking increased size or fullness may choose to combine their lift with a breast augmentation–to increase size or add fullness–or a reduction–to make the breast smaller.


You may be a good candidate for a breast lift if your breasts have a flatter shape, are elongated or pendulous, if the nipples point downward or fall below the breast crease, if the skin or areola (colored portion around the nipple) are stretched, or if one breast is lower than the other. Women over 40 seeking a breast lift should have an up-to-date mammogram. Surgery can be done six months after breastfeeding has stopped.


Breast lift surgery takes between 1.5 to 2.5 hours and is performed as an outpatient procedure under IV-sedation or light general anesthesia. There are a few different incision patterns that Dr. Kim may use, depending on the size and shape of the breasts. A periareolar pattern is an incision around the nipple only. A keyhole pattern includes a periareolar and a vertical incision below the nipple. An anchor pattern is an incision around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease and horizontally in the breast fold.

During breast lift surgery, the underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped to improve breast contour and firmness. The nipple and areola are raised to a more youthful height. Stretched areolas are reduced in size, and excess skin is removed. The symmetry of breast height and size is then confirmed in the operating room with the patient in a sitting position, to ensure a natural and satisfying result. Once the ideal outcome is achieved, the incisions are closed with layers of dissolving sutures underneath the skin’s surface. Dressings and a surgical bra are placed once the surgery is complete.


Patients should keep their post-operative dressings in place for one week and should sponge bathe only. Typically, pain medication is only required for a few days. Patients may drive at one week.  Most patients are back to work within one week unless their work requires very physical activity or heavy lifting. Patients can return to more vigorous physical activity within 4 to 6 weeks.  Exercise can be started at 2 weeks for the lower body, and 6 weeks for upper body. A surgical bra or sports bra should used for 6 weeks.

Breast Lift with Implant

Which Implant is Right For Me?

A woman seeking a breast augmentation with a lift may find herself overwhelmed by the many types of breast implants available to her. She may find herself asking questions: What are the differences between saline and silicone implants? Which implants are best for me? Dr. Kim is experienced with all types of breast implants and will answer any questions you might have. During your consultation, he will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of implant, so that you can make an informed decision on the implant best suited to your needs. 



Saline Implants

Saline implants are filled with a saltwater intravenous fluid. They are frequently used in breast lifts with augmentation surgery and have been available for decades. The advantages of saline implants include a smaller incision when placing the implant and no need for long-term follow up or medical monitoring. When saline implants leak, the sterile salt water is absorbed by the body. A leak in a saline implant will be obvious to the patient, as the affected breast will become smaller over a few days, so she will know to have her implants reevaluated by Dr. Kim. The disadvantages of saline implants include a firmer feel and increased rippling.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are very popular implants for cosmetic breast lifts with augmentation, and there are many types available. The most common types of silicone implants used in cosmetic breast surgery are smooth, round implants. The type of silicone gel within your implant can vary in consistency, based on the patient’s needs and preferences. Each type of silicone gel has advantages and disadvantages, which Dr. Kim will discuss with you. Traditional silicone implants have a thinner, softer gel while cohesive gel implants, commonly known as gummy bear implants, contain a more stable silicone. Gummy bear implants are firmer than traditional silicone gel implants, and this firmness allows for less rippling. Some gummy bear implants are round, while others are teardrop-shaped to give the breast a more natural appearance. However, some women find that the teardrop-shaped implants provide less cleavage and upper fullness than is desired. In addition, shaped implants require texturing on the surface of the implant that does not allow them to move inside the breast pocket as much as smooth implants. 

"After having children and breast feeding for many years I lost a lot of breast volume. After having a breast lift with augmentation, I feel my old self again. Getting dressed is fun and I am more confident in my skin. Dr. Kim was amazing and I am so happy to have found him!"

38 year old, NY

Schedule a Consultation

for a Breast Lift

To schedule a private consultation with Dr. CS Kim please call the office or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit.

2777 Summer Street, Suit 210, Stamford CT, 06905


    Dr. Chang Soo Kim performs cosmetic plastic surgery and non-invasive cosmetic treatments for the face, breasts and body in Stamford CT and surrounding areas such as Greenwich, New Canaan, Norwalk, Westport, Darien, Wilton, Weston, Easton, Fairfield, Bridgeport, Trumbull, Ridgefield, Danbury, Monroe, Milford, Bedford, Armonk, Mt Kisco, Bedford Hills, Rye, Harrison , Mamaroneck, Larchmont, White Plains, Scarsdale, Westchester County, Fairfield County.