Face Lift in Westport, CT

Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery is the leading provider of face lift procedures in Westport, CT, offering exceptional results and unmatched expertise in cosmetic surgery. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with precision and care.
203-920-1444 | 2777 Summer Street, Suite 210, Stamford CT, 06905 | info.cskimmdplastics@gmail.com

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Exploring Face Lift Options in Westport, CT: 5 Key Factors to Consider

Discover Your New Look with Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery

At Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery, we’re passionate about helping the residents of Fairfield County regain their youthful appearance. We specialize in face lift procedures that are tailored to the unique needs of the clients we serve. With a reputation for excellence in Westport, CT, we’re here to help you turn back the hands of time and rejuvenate your appearance. Don’t wait any longer to reclaim your glow. Contact us today at 203-920-1444 and take the first step towards a more confident and youthful you. Your transformation starts here.

Expert Surgeons:

Our board-certified surgeons in Westport, CT bring years of experience and skill to every face lift procedure.

Patient-Centric Approach:

We prioritize your comfort and satisfaction, providing personalized care and support throughout your journey.

Proven Results:

Our track record of successful face lift transformations speaks for itself. See the difference for yourself with Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery.

Factors to Consider Before Deciding if a Face Lift is Right for You

When it comes to rejuvenating your appearance, a face lift can be a transformative choice. But before you decide to take the plunge, it’s crucial to consider several key factors to ensure you make an informed decision. At Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery, we understand that choosing a face lift is a significant step, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

With years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery, our team at Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery has helped countless individuals in and around Westport, CT achieve their aesthetic goals. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through five essential factors to consider before deciding on a face lift procedure.

  1. Personal Goals and Expectations

Your reasons for considering a face lift are unique to you. Whether you want to reverse the signs of aging, enhance your facial features, or boost your self-confidence, it’s essential to have clear and realistic goals. During your consultation with Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery, our expert team will take the time to understand your desires and help you set achievable expectations.

  1. Candidate Eligibility

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for a face lift, and your overall health plays a crucial role in determining eligibility. In Westport, CT, our board-certified surgeons at Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery will assess your medical history and perform a thorough examination to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

  1. Surgical Techniques

Face lift procedures have evolved over the years, offering various techniques to cater to different needs. At Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery, we offer state-of-the-art surgical options tailored to your specific requirements. Our team will explain the available techniques, such as traditional face lifts, mini face lifts, or nonsurgical options like thread lifts, and help you choose the best one for you.

  1. Recovery and Downtime

Understanding the recovery process is vital to planning for your face lift procedure. Your recovery time can vary depending on the technique used and individual factors. The dedicated team at Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery will provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions and support to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery.

  1. Cost and Financing

The cost of a face lift in Westport, CT can vary widely based on several factors, including the surgeon’s expertise and the chosen technique. It’s essential to discuss the financial aspect with our team at Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery to explore your payment options, including financing plans, to make your dream of a rejuvenated appearance more affordable.

Contact Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery Today!

Choosing to undergo a face lift in Westport, CT is a significant decision, and understanding these five key factors is essential to ensure a successful outcome. At Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery, we are committed to providing you with personalized care and support throughout your entire experience. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and start your journey to a more youthful, revitalized appearance today.

Ready to take the next step toward a more youthful and confident you? Contact Dr CS Kim Plastic Surgery at 203-920-1444 to schedule your consultation in Westport, CT. Our experienced team is here to answer your questions and guide you on your journey to a stunning transformation.

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The earliest known inhabitants of the Westport area as identified through archaeological finds date back 7,500 years. Records from the first white settlers report the Pequot Indians living in the area which they called Machamux translated by the colonialists as beautiful land. Settlement by colonialists dates back to the five Bankside Farmers; whose families grew and prospered into a community that continued expanding. The settlers arrived in 1693, having followed cattle to the isolated area. The community had its own ecclesiastical society, supported by independent civil and religious elements, enabling it to be independent from the Town of Fairfield. As the settlement expanded its name changed: it was briefly known as “Bankside” in 1693, officially named Green’s Farm in 1732 in honor of Bankside Farmer John Green and in 1835 incorporated as the Town of Westport.

During the Revolutionary War, on April 25, 1777, a British force of 1,850 under the command of the Royal Governor of the Province of New York, Major General William Tryon, landed on Compo Beach to destroy the Continental Army’s military supplies in Danbury. Minutemen from Westport and the surrounding areas crouched hiding while Tryon’s troops passed and then launched an offensive from their rear. A statue on Compo Beach commemorates this plan of attack with a crouching Minuteman facing away from the beach, looking onto what would have been the rear of the troops. A sign on Post Road East also commemorates this event.

The Town of Westport was officially incorporated on May 28, 1835, with lands from Fairfield, Weston and Norwalk. Daniel Nash led 130 people of Westport in the petitioning of the Town of Fairfield for Westport’s incorporation. The driving force behind the petition was to assist their seaport’s economic viability that was being undermined by neighboring towns’ seaports. For several decades after that, Westport was a prosperous agricultural community, distinguishing itself as the leading onion-growing center in the U.S. Blight caused the collapse of Westport’s onion industry, leading to mills and factories replacing agriculture as the town’s economic engine.

Learn more about Westport.
Ready to transform your appearance? Contact us today