Common Myths About Plastic Surgery: Debunked In 2023

There are so many benefits that plastic surgery can offer to patients. Despite this, the industry still faces a number of myths and misconceptions, even in 2023. Here, plastic surgeon Dr. CS Kim will address some of the most common myths about plastic surgery and debunk them once and for all. Myth #1: Plastic surgery is always dangerous. While all surgeries carry some degree of risk, modern plastic surgery techniques and technologies have made the procedures safer than ever before. Plastic surgeons undergo years of…

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Plastic Surgery

Before choosing to have plastic surgery, it's important to find a highly skilled and experienced doctor. You should also ask if they're board certified. If so, it means that they've passed rigorous exams to become a board-certified physician. It's also a good idea to ask how many years of training they've completed and what sort of experience they have. After all, not every doctor can do everything. You should know what to expect from your plastic surgeon before you choose to have it done. Although…

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Read more about the article What to Expect From a Plastic Surgery Doctor
Picture of plastic plastic surgeon making marks on patient's body

What to Expect From a Plastic Surgery Doctor

If you are thinking about plastic surgery, you'll need to know what to expect during and after the procedure. While the name may sound like fake plastic surgery, it actually comes from the Greek word plastikos, which means to form. It's important to know that plastic surgery doesn't just change appearance; it can also change function. A surgeon can use reconstructive procedures to fix physical defects on the body or face. These defects can come from birth defects, traumatic injuries, and cancer. The field of plastic…

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The Different Types of Plastic Surgery

The field of plastic surgery focuses on correcting defects in the form, function, or integument of the body. Many people undergo this surgery to improve their appearance or to correct a birth defect. Specialized knowledge and skills are required for reconstructive, excisional, or aesthetic procedures, which can be challenging for the average person. For more information, read about the different types of plastic surgery and how they are performed. Below, we'll explore some of the most common types. Reconstructive plastic surgery refers to surgical procedures…

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